How to Cope Up With An Emotionally Unavailable Person

emotionally unavailable

Are you in a relationship with someone emotionally unavailable? They are those people who cannot give you the attention, time, and space you need. These people find it difficult to express their feelings and tend to keep things close to their chest.

If someone you know or love is emotionally unavailable, here are some tips on coping: 

Emotionally unavailable people are reluctant or afraid to connect on an intimate level. There is a reluctance to discuss themselves, their likes and dislikes, and what they want out of life. An emotionally unavailable person may fear commitment, intimacy, dealing with past hurts or having trust issues.

Sometimes it’s not easy to recognize when somebody is emotionally distant because they may appear aloof instead of unfeeling; they may seem distracted instead of disconnected; they may seem shy instead of isolated; they may seem uninterested instead of detached.

Try to understand an emotionally Unavailable persons behavior.

When you’re dating someone emotionally unavailable, the best thing you can do is try to understand their behavior. For example, if they are not interested in investing time in you, know that it might be because they cannot.

If they cannot share their feelings, understand that it might be because they cannot. If they cannot communicate with you openly and honestly, know that it might be because they are unwilling.

Remember that it’s not your fault they cannot connect with you. You aren’t responsible for their inability to open up to you. It’s important to understand that their behavior results from their fears, insecurities, and past traumas, which you might be unable to fix.

It’s essential to be patient and compassionate towards them. It’s important to try and understand what they might be going through.

Don’t take it personally.

When dating an emotionally unavailable person, don’t take it personally. You might have done nothing wrong; you might have done everything right; yet, you might still not get the attention and intimacy you need.

Emotionally unavailable people unintentionally make you feel not good enough. It’s important to understand that they don’t do it on purpose; they just don’t know any better. 

  • If you feel like giving up, don’t take it personally. 
  • If you feel like walking away, don’t take it personally. 
  • Do not take your tears personally. 
  • If someone doesn’t want to give you their time or attention, it doesn’t make you less worthy or lovable. 

It doesn’t make you a wrong person or a nasty partner. It just means they are not ready to open up. So don’t take it personally, and don’t make it a reflection of yourself.

Set your own boundaries with an emotionally unavailable person

When dating someone unavailable, you need to set your own boundaries. Then, if you feel like they infringe on your space, you can politely tell them what you think.

If you feel they are taking more than you are willing to give, you can politely let them know how you think. If you feel they are getting too close for comfort, you can well tell them how you feel.

If you feel they are trying to control your life, you can politely tell them how you think. It is vital to have boundaries in a relationship to feel comfortable. They will help you not feel like you’re being taken for granted. In addition, they will help you not to feel like you are losing yourself in the relationship.

Boundaries are important because they help protect your heart and guard your emotions. Of course, they won’t magically transform your relationship with an emotionally unavailable person, but they will help you to cope better.

Find support from loved ones.

Find support from your loved ones if you are in a relationship with someone emotionally unavailable. If you are friends with someone unavailable, 

  • For support, you might want to turn to your other friends. 
  • Your family and friends might be able to help you.
  • Counselors or therapists might be able to help.
  • Consider journaling your feelings.
  • Consider writing them a letter, email, or text.

If you’ve realized that you’re in a relationship with an emotionally unavailable person, you must let your loved ones know. First, you have to tell them that you need support. Next, you have to tell them that you don’t want to be in a relationship where you feel lonely and unloved. Finally, you have to let them know that you deserve better.

Don’t be ashamed of what you’re going through. Don’t be ashamed of your feelings. Let your friends and family support you as much as they can. Let them know what’s going on in your relationship and how they can help.

There is no need for you to cope with this on your own. Support from those you love and care about will help you through this challenging phase of your life.

Trust your gut feeling.

If something feels off, it’s essential to trust your gut feeling. You might want to take things slow because dating an unavailable person isn’t easy. 

emotionally unavailable
Photo by Zoe on Unsplash
  • You can’t help but feel hurt when they are unreachable. 
  • A person’s distance can be hard to ignore. 
  • When they are uninterested, it’s hard not to take it personally. 
  • Distractions can be hard to overlook. 
  • A person’s aloofness is hard to dismiss. 
  • When they are isolated, it’s hard not to take it personally. 
  • Detachment is hard to ignore. 

Become patient with yourself as well as the other person. It might take time for them to open up. Perhaps they have a lot going on in their lives that they might not be able to share with you. They might be dealing with past hurts that they might be unable to heal.

Dont rush things with an emotionally unavailable person

Don’t rush things, but don’t give up either. Be patient with yourself; the other person might find that things will work out. Likewise, you might find that things will work out in time.

At the appropriate time, you will know what to do. You will feel it in your gut. Your heart will tell you when you realize that you can’t do anything more. 

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash
  • It will be apparent to you what needs to be done. 
  • You’ll realize it’s the right thing as soon as you take action. 
  • Once you realize it’s time to move on, you’ll know. 
  • Let go when the time is right for you. 
  • There will be a sense of entitlement in your heart. 

Don’t ever beat yourself up for taking too long to walk away. Don’t ever beat yourself up for taking too long to let go. You are allowed to take your time to make these decisions. You are entitled to feel what you feel. You are permitted to cry when you need to do so. You are allowed to be sad when you need to be so.


Dating an emotionally unavailable person isn’t an easy feat. It’s hard to deal with someone who cannot give you the attention, time, and space you need. It’s hard to deal with people unwilling to open up about themselves, their likes and dislikes, and what they want out of life.

It’s hard to deal with someone who cannot express their feelings. It’s hard to deal with someone who cannot connect with you. It’s important to remember that it’s not your fault they cannot connect with you.

It’s important to understand that their behavior results from their fears, insecurities, and past traumas, which you might be unable to fix. It’s essential to be patient and compassionate towards them. It’s necessary to try and understand what they might be going through.

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